Tuesday, December 14, 2010

$5 Amazon gift Card giveaway

Who - Cheap Single CHick
What - $5 Amazon gift Card
When - 12/31/2010 Midnight EST
How many - 0 entries so far.


M said... 1

Do I enter by living a comment her? I'm not sure of the direction. I did alot of holiday shopping with Amazon.

Jamshaid Ayaz said... 2

I went to Doll House to by a Sherri Hill dress 1403 for the best price quoted $450 for my daughter. I was told that Doll House has a registry and that I would be the only one wearing this style dress at my formal. When I arrived at my formal, there were two 2 other girls wearing exactly the same style dress and they also got it from dollhouse I can’t begin to tell you how angry and sick that made me feels. I will not be taking my daughter there for her year 12 formal.