Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Train to Build from Oompa Toys Revew and Giveaway!

When I found out I was going to review one of Oompa toys I was ... well like a kid in a toy store. I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to review. I loved the Lacing Shoe, The Frog King Memory Game and all of there musical instruments . Oompa had a huge selection of toys, children 's furniture, and Gear (like strollers) When ever you buy anything form Oompa you earn point. There way of saying thank you. Points can be redeemed for discounts on future orders.

How Oompa Toys got started
The idea for Oompa Toys took hold in 2003. Early one morning I crept into my infant daughter's room and tripped on a plastic, battery-operated walker. Loud animal noises instantly blared from the seemingly innocuous toy. I had a bleeding toe and stifled some not too pleasant words. A cacophony of clucking chickens, moo-ing cows and quacking ducks would not be silenced despite my best efforts. I gladly (and somewhat vindictively), threw the walker in the trash. An electronic bovine moo'ed as I walked away. I felt there was something unnatural about surrounding my daughter with so many disposable toys. I wondered if she dreamt of copyrighted characters or if her first words would be "Dora" or "Mickey". I wondered if she would ever learn to use her imagination. She did, after all, play with toys that with the push of a single button did and said everything for her. I donated most of the contents of her room to a local charity the next morning.
As a mother with relatives in a developing country, I believe toys should not only be natural and well-made, but created in humane and safe working conditions by adults and with absolutely no child-labor. I go to great lengths to ensure toys within the Oompa family do, indeed, come from safe environments. From extensive interviews with company representatives to annual onsite tours of manufacturing facilities, you can be assured that our toys come from companies who care about their employees.

We  received the Train to Build - All Natural from Bajo
This four car train is perfect for little builders on the move! There are four flatbeds and 18 pieces that can be combined to created different cars of the train, including the engine, passenger car, log car, and one carrying an automobile. All the cars can be used interchangably, connecting together with basic linking joints. The automobile can even be taken down and played with by itself! So much fun, you'll wish you had one too. Note: not intended to be used on standard wooden track.

They are so many things I love about the Train to build. It does not take batteries, it does not speak or move by itself. I see Andrew sitting there using him imagination playing with the train.  His toy knight and sea turtle are helping him fix the train. He has made a whole story about it. The train his very sturdy and well made. I know we are going to be playing with this train for many years. When he does finally outgrow  his Train to build I would love to put it up so we can save it for when  a nephew come over ar even grandchildren ... someday.
Oompa Toys has  free Ground Shipping for most orders $65 or more!
Buy it~ Right now the Train to Build  is on sale for $39.99 They are having great sales check out all Oopmpas great deals
Win it ~ One lucky Helping Mommys Win Reader can win their own Train to Build
To Enter  ~ Go to and tell me a toy that a child in your life would love.
Extra Entries
1)Blog about this giveaway
2)Tweet about this giveaway
3)Subscribe to my emails
4)Follow my blog
5) Subscribe to Oompa's newsletter
Giveaway is open to us only. Ends Jan. 25th
disclosure: I was given for free this product for the  purpose of reviewing it. I did not receive monetary compensation and all thoughts and opinions are mine. Quotes were taken directly from the website


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debijackson said...

love the nuchi wooden trains.

debijackson said...


debijackson said...

love to give this to little ollie

Caro said...

My kiddo would love a haba clutching toy!

one frugal lady said...

I also love the neo classic rocking horse!

one frugal lady said...

I follow helping mommys win on blogger!

Jessica said...

My son would love the Rocking Donkey from Bajo

Penelope said...

To tell the truth, my son would love the train that's being given away the most. He eats, drinks, and breathes trains! But just to follow the rules, he would also love the "Guitar from Sevi" that they sell. It would be so fun!

lifessweetpassions {at} gmail {dot} com

Penelope said...

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Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

I like the wooden sorting truck

Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

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Kim said...

mine loves: Wooden Stacking Board, Slices, 15 pc. from Bajo

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Joannof10 said...

My kids would love the Bowling Pins DC from Sevi

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sunnymum said...

I know my little guy would love the Bus Blue from Bajo.

sunnymum said...

I'm an email subscriber. cbeargie (at)

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clmartin said...

I like the nesting stack boxes for the bath

clmartin said...

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rubynreba said...

I like the Sakrada Building Blocks.

RR said...

The Cory Caterpillar Pulling Animal from Haba is great. Wonderful things!

Jennifer said...

My child would love the Mermaid Toothbrush Timer from Haba

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GabbyLowe said...

I like the eicho Crib (White) from Spot on Square

GabbyLowe said...


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Jen V said...

My youngest girl would love the Green Dollhouse with furniture.
ssovrnej (at)

Chip said...

The Grasshopper in Zahlenland from Haba looks pretty fun.


Sarah said...

My kids would love the Tree House from Plan Toys.


Sarah said...

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Stephanie said...

my little boy would also love Ball Track Master Building Set from Haba
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Melissa said...

I like the My Farm Shape Sorter.

xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com

Linda Kish said...

I like the Squeak Squeak toy

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...


lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Snowflake07 said...

My daughter would love the Kaya Boogaloo from BlaBla.

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SharonC said...

My granddaughter would love the Organic Tiger Finger Puppet from Playful World

cstironkat said...

The boys would like the Knight's Tower Play Tent from Haba Toys

Jessica said...

I would also love Discovery Blocks from Haba

jjak2003 at gmail dot com

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

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peg42 said...

I would also love the Cory Caterpillar Pulling Animal. Thanks so much.

peg42 said...

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Thanks so much.

Tracey said...

I like the Lilli doll from Haba.

wildcat32 said...

My son would love the Eco-Friendly Recycling Truck from Green Toys.

Madeline said...

My little guy would love the Wooden Sorting Truck from Bajo.

DEBIJOT said...

I like the blue Bibilo.

DEBIJOT said...

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Carrie said...

We like the Lilirose Music Mobile from Kaloo

adorablyconfused at hotmail dot com

littlelatina said...

the safari stacking blocks is fun

Anonymous said...

the neo classic rocking horse is awesome

autumn398 @

Linda said...

My little niece would love the Green Rainbow Baby!

Anonymous said...

i think my 3-year old son would like the Woody Walky Training Bike from Smart Gear

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bison61 said...

I like the Rocking Horse - Lusitano from Plan Toys

tiramisu392 (at)

Sarafan2 said...

My niece would love the wooden play food set, and the Eudaco Kitchen Set.

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mogrill said...

Love the wooden trains. SO fun. Thanks for the chance.

Katie said...

The Petite Yoko Boogaloo from Blabla is great!
katiekarr at gmail dot com

PerfectBlueMoon said...

my little girl would love their eco tea set!


Anonymous said...

My son would also love the "Stack+ Nest Cups - Bath Toy from Kid O!"

clctaube @

Anonymous said...


clctaube @

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clctaube @

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Jana said...

They have so many great toys but one that caught my eye today was the Block and Tackle from Haba. That looks like good learning fun!!

dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

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dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

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dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

maureen73 said...

My daughter loves the Plan Toy Dollhouse!

Elphie said...

My niece would like the Pop duck with all the colors :)

chirpatme at rocketmail dot com

Irene said...

I like Walking Elephant from Plan Toys

Irene said...

Oompa email subscriber

darlanpaulsmamma said...

my kids would love Soccer Set - from Haba
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

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follow oompa on twitter as lovinmykiddos
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

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melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

h. mcnaron said...

Love the gobblet gobblers!!!

BargainFun said...

I like the classic rocking horse
bargainfun1 at yahoo

Bombtastic Belle said...

i also like the tool set

Katie said...

My niece would love Sophie the Giraffe. Not only is it cute, but it doubles as a teething toy, which is something that she definitely needs now.


Hippie4ever said...

The Baio sorting truck :) silenttributary(at)yahoo(dot)com

Hippie4ever said...

blog follower silenttributary(at)yahoo(dot)com

RitzFamilyHappenings said...

They are all great, but I would love to get the Kaleidoscopic Blocks from Haba.

Alena said...

My daughter would love the Plush Piggy Ball.

telfordfamily at

Jen V said...

I follow Oompa on twitter as greatgiveaways.
ssovrnej (at)

Yours Truly said...

The Doctor's Suitcase is precious!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Justin & Jennifer Olsen said...

My son would love the wooden train set.

Justin & Jennifer Olsen said...

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Justin & Jennifer Olsen said...

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Rachel said...

My new nephew will be born this spring and he has two big sisters, so he'll probably be needing some toys that aren't pink. I think the "Maxe" toy from Haba is especially adorable and unisex.

Angela said...

my son would love the Forklift & Doll from Plan Toys

Angela said...

I follow oompa on twitter under Childrensnook

Leslie said...

My son would love the discovery blocks!

Leslie said...

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kimbo1970 said...

My 9 year old son would like the egyptian building blocks set.

Unknown said...

Fantasy Block from Haba would be good for my LO!

Unknown said...

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Following Oompa on Twitter: SCMOMOF2BOYS

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Anonymous said...

my 16 month old would love the pull along wooden zebra.

Heather said...

My little guy would love the Discovery Balls Set of 4 from Haba


noreen said...

eco tea set

Katie said...

We'd all love the Baby Nonos the Dog from Deglingos!

Katie said...

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bethany said...

Such great products on Oompa! I love the Eco time tea set! So cute! Thanks!

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Kimbers867 said...

I love the Pet Tails Book from Jellycat

Kimbers867 said...

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Jen V said...

ssovrnej (at)

One Southern Girl said...

I love the Traditional Bedroom Wooden Bed from Nathan! So cute!

One Southern Girl said...


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folloiwng Oompa on Twitter (@HappyReviews)

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Jessica cobb said...

my daughter would LOVE the floating ducks bath toy!

Jessica cobb said...

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Amanda said...

OH how great the stuff is on that site. I have to say however I would LOVE the train for a person in my life who is a child at heart if that counts. Thank you

Jennifer Mai said...

My baby girl would LOVE the "Discovery blocks from Haba". These all look like really great toys that would last through multiple children :)

Included in my blog:

Amy said...

I like the Tower Pounding from Plan Toys

deb c said...

I love the Tree House from Plan Toys.

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Nina said...

I think my little girl would love the Wooden ABC Blocks - Colors from Elegant Baby


Little Lizard King said...

The Nuchi Wooden Trains is fabulous! My little one would love this!

Unknown said...

My son would like the Ball Track Construction set by Haba to play with his sisters and his daddy.


Unknown said...

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I follow Oompa on Twitter- ksh123

captaincarebear said...

The racing car from Plan Toys looks like it would finally get my boy pedaling.

Tracysweetangl said...

Love the nuchi wooden trains. thanks.

maddie said...

Love the Princess/Sakrada Building Blocks!

maddie said...

Following the blog. =)

Jen Mc said...

I like the Green Toys Recycling Truck.
jenpruss (at) yahoo (dot)com

lilpinksocks said...

My twin girls would love the Sweet Pink Sand Toys and Carrying Bag from Spielstabil.

lilpinksocks said...

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Jen V said...

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ssovrnej (at)

Crystal said...

I like the School Bus from Plan Toys

Crystal said...

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crysneedy at aol dot com

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crysneedy at aol dot com

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crysneedy at aol dot com

Helpful Housewife said...

Salta Dc from Halba is neat. Love the train too. Thanks for the opportunity!

Deb K said...

I love the neo classic rocking horse!

Thanks so much for the chance :-)


Deb K said...

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Deb K


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Deb K said...



Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

My son would love the Ball Track Construction Set from Haba.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am a Oompa Newsletter Subscriber as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am following Oompa via Twitter as jlsc123.


Mary A said...

I would also like to get the Lacing Fox, Natural from Bajo for my son. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I like the NeoClassic Rocking Horse! Also the train set--thanks for the chance to win! :)
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

.:sommersclan:. said...

My son would love the train. I always seem to think that we have enough trains, but he doesn't agree

Vanessa said...

My daughter would love the surfin' kids easel.

AEKZ2 said...

My daughter would love the Terrace Dollhouse.

AEKZ2 said...

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Unknown said...

I love the Cory Caterpillar Pulling Animal
from Haba

Unknown said...

I like the Haba Doctor's Suitcase.

ashaldridge (at) gmail (dot) com

Amanda D. said...

My daughter would LOVE the wooden tractor! macd82 at gmail dot com

Hillary said...

My son would love the wooden farm animal set!

djgroz said...

Sakrada Building Blocks from Haba

Bryn said...

they have the cutest pacipier clips. Where were those when I needed them. :) I love the Ball Track Construction Set from Haba. Great site! Thanks!

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