Sunday, November 29, 2009

My blog roll

 Update closed Thank you everyone. That filled up fast. Thank you to the all people that commented for leaving your urls that was so easy. I didn't have to click on your profile then find your blog. You are all great!
Do you have giveaways on your site?
I am redoing my blog roll.
What is a blog roll.
 It is on the right side of my blog and is a list of blogs It will show the title of your newest post.
If you have giveaways (even if they get lots of comments) and want to be on my blog roll just leave a comment on this post with the url of your blog.
If you are already on it and want to stay let me know that too .
Thank you
Jessica aka silverhartgirl


Coupon Teacher said... 1 Would love to be on your blogroll!

Katie said... 2
I'd love to be on your blogroll. Thanks for considering!

Unknown said... 3

I would love to be on your blogroll as well! :D Thanks so much for doing this!

laura said... 4

I'd love to be included on your blog roll.

Yvonne said... 5

I'd love to be on your blogroll. Thanks for posting my giveaway.

Ashley said... 6

I would love to be included. I have a couple giveaways a month.

Marina@EBMR said... 7

I would love to be on your blog roll please

Celeste said... 8

I'd love to :)

Thena said... 9

Beginning this Tuesday I'm doing 12 Days of Christmas giveaways.

I have a button on my right sidebar.

Simply Stacie said... 10

I'd love to be on it!

Nathalanes Place said... 11

Hi there, I want to stay on your blog roll but I don't know if I'm on it so please put me on if I'm not on
here is the link

giveaways everyweek and reviews all the time and more giveaways
so come everyone

MaryAnne said... 12

I would love to be on your blogroll!


Anonymous said... 13

Pretty, Shiny, Sparkly

We just posted a new giveaway, too!

Ginny said... 14

I'd love to be on your blogroll.

I usually don't get a lot of comments either :)

*Tanyetta* said... 15

I would LOVE to be on your famous blog! :)

School Zone Workbook-

Ends Dec. 4, 2009

Anonymous said... 16
I would love to stay on your blog roll :)

Jacqui said... 17

Hey Jess! I'd like to stay on :)

Hope you had a great holiday!

casey aubut said... 18

I would love to be on your blogroll! I follow you religiously!