Throughout this book are Top Seven lists covering the best ways to get someone's attention, to build your personal brand, and to put yourself in the path of prosperity and good luck.In this book I learned so many facts. Did you know there is Seven major components in skunk musk.This was a interesting book. I stayed up a couple late nights reading this book. I was reading and it was 1am then I read that you need seven hours asleep. I knew that was a sign to bookmark the book and read more tomorrow.
You can win 1 of 5 copies of the book Seven by Jackie Leo
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In Irish Mythology, the epic hero Cúchulainn is associated with the number 7. He has 7 fingers on each hand, 7 toes on each foot, and 7 pupils in each eye. ...
Seven is also the number of stars in the constellation, Big Dipper, cool
roswello ahotmail dot com
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roswello athotmail dot com
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roswello athotmail dot com
My favorite number is seven. My mom has 6 siblings, making her one of 7! My husband used to be in a band, and sang a song about "if the devil is 6, then God is 7..."
This book looks awesome!
There are SEVEN days in a week
I follow U on GFC
The Arabians had seven Holy Temples. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
Seven days in a week!
I follow through Google Friend Connect. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com
There are seven deadly sins.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
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dlodden at frontiernet dot net
The "Magnificent 7" - the name given to the members of the 1996 US Olympic gymnastics team that won the first ever gold medal! I was a gymnast so this was very meaningful in my life!
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Seven is the only one of the first 10 digits (1 through 10) that does not divide evenly into the 360 degrees of a circle!
I follow your blog....I love it!
The number of stellar objects in the solar system visible to the naked eye from Earth is Seven.
Gods creation was done in 7 days
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There are seven continents in the world=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
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Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
Seven Seas are referenced throughout history.
My favorite drink Seven UP.
heidivargas [at] live dot com
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heidivargas [at] live dot com
Seven has the highest probability of occurring as an addition when rolling dice.
What comes to mind first is the Seven Deadly Sins. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
Outstanding new seven book on the block
Number seven has fascinated me for years. As a fellow author and septaphile, I am delighted about the publication of "7, the Number for Happiness, Love and Success," by Jackie Leo. I may be one of the first seven people in the world to comment publicly about Leo's seven book which is an intriguing and thought-provoking literary exploration of the wondrous world of seven.
I applaud Leo and her publisher TWELVE for recognizing the cultural, mystical and scientific influence of the number 7, as I did in my book "7: The Magical, Amazing and Popular Number Seven," which Aventine Press published this past March. . I was in touch with Jackie Leo a couple days ago for the first time and her kind words of praise about my 7 book mean a lot to me. The feeling is mutual x7 for me. It’s a pleasure to be her new 7 friend.
Here are my seven favorite things about Jackie Leo's collection of sevens: 1. "Seven Siblings" story about Kristin van Ogtrop's (editor of Real Simple) father as one of seven children 2. Striking book cover with a royal gold image of my favorite number seven 3. Feast of the Seven Fishes celebrated in Southern Italy 4. "Odds on Seven" piece about dice rolls 5. Walter Anderson's "Seven Steps to Self-Fulfillment" 6. Delightful "Counting on Seven" piece by Washington Post writer Sally Quinn 7. "Seven on Seinfeld"-a 7 factoid which I also enjoyed including in my book about seven which describes Seinfeld's "The Seven" episode #123.
I wish Jackie Leo huge success with the launch of her book on 7 December. I regard our two books as complementary because they each document and validate the significance of the number seven throughout recorded history. If you're a septaphile-a fan of the popular number seven-no book collection about the number 7 would be complete without buying both "7" by David Eastis ( ) and "Seven" by Jackie Leo ( ).
Seven cheers to Jackie Leo from David Eastis, author of "7"-"7:The Magical, Amazing and Popular Number Seven" published by Aventine Press in March 2009.
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