Saturday, November 14, 2009

HairCoverings Review and Giveaway open world wide (one free product from Winners Choice). has Hair Accessories and head covering for women,  girls and children. They have
   Lycra Pre Tied Bandanna, Cotton Lycra PreTied Bandana,  Headbands, Hard Hair Bands,      Wide Headbands,  Head Scarves    Scarves-Shawls, Hats,   Berets, Turbans,  Snoods, and more. yes more. I didnt want to name them all. has all your Hair Accessory and head covering needs.

We, my daughter and I, got to try the Thin Gold Stripes Wide Pre Tied Headband.

My daughter quickly tried it on. It was beautiful on her. The width can go from 4 inches up to 12 inches. What makes these headbands so popular is that they can be folded down to any size you want.if you have a 12 inch headband, but would like to wear it as a 6 inch, you would simply fold the headband in half. The wide headband is also very beneficial for those with hair loss at the front or top of the head. There are many styles and color in the wide headband.

My daughter love to draw, while she leaned over her paper her hair did not get in her eyes. shipped very quickly.I really like the quality of the hair accessory's and would, and do recommend them to others.

"Head covers for Style, Religion, Hair Loss, and medical conditions (cancer, chemotherapy) at Hair Coverings Store we can help you with all your Head Covering needs."
Buy it ~ Orders shipped anywhere in the US for as little as $4.99 with standard delivery. Use code WINTERIZE and take 10% off your total
 Win it ~ is giving  away one free product from Winners Choice. This Giveaway is open world wide. They ship anywhere.

To Enter ~ Go to and tell me in a comment what you would pick if you were the winner.
Extra Entires ~
1) Follow them on Networked Blogs
Visit them at and scroll down to the right side to Networked Blogs and click Follow.
2) Join their Google Friend Connect: scroll down to the right side to Google Friend Connect and click Join This Site.
3)  Follow them on twitter:Click
4) Blog about this giveaway
5) Tweet this giveaway
6) Follow my blog
ends 11/30
open to all
disclosure: I was given for free this product for the  purpose of reviewing it. I did not receive monetary compensation and all thoughts and opinions are mine. Quotes were taken directly from the website 

MckLinky Blog Hop


EmmysBoosAndRawrs said... 1

if i won i' dpick a cotton paisly wide pretied headband

EmmysBoosAndRawrs said... 2

im follopwing haircoverings as @boosandrawrs

EmmysBoosAndRawrs said... 3

i follow your blog

Erinjeany said... 4

If I won I would be the black Studded Banana Clip {}. I love banana clips and have been looking for a cute one that actually holds my hair! The ones from Sally Beauty just slide down over and over!

Thank you! :)

Erinjeany said... 5

I follow them on networked blogs. (


Erinjeany said... 6

I follow their blog on GFC!


Erinjeany said... 7

I follow them on twitter! @erinjeany


Erinjeany said... 8

I follow your blog!


Hope said... 9

I like the purple flower bandanna!

Hope said... 10

I also follow your blog.

one frugal lady said... 11

I love the soft pink scarf- shawl!

one frugal lady said... 12

I follow helping mommys win!

At the Fence said... 13

I really like the pink plaid shawl. My daughter would love it. Thanks, blessed6mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

Mrs. K said... 14

i like the Studded Bow Barrette. Thanks!

babalisme said... 15

I would love to win Purple Feather Headband!!

babalisme said... 16

I'm a twitter follower!

babalisme said... 17

I"m your blog follower!

K. Rock said... 18

I would pick one of the colorful striped wide headbands.

c allen said... 19

i love the Pull on Hat with Flower
in beige, thanks! clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said... 20

following the hair covering on fb net blogs clallen a t ntin dot net (crystal allen)

c allen said... 21

joined w/ google friends connect, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said... 22

follow hair coverings on twitter clallen at ntin dot net

maxfate said... 23

I'd pick the Wide Rainbow Headband.


maxfate said... 24

I follow on Google.

maxfate said... 25

I follow on Google.Thanks!

Anonymous said... 26

Hmmm tough choice. I'd pick a pull on hat with flower in grey :)

katch05 at gmail dot com

Kathleen Curtin Lynch said... 27

I love the pull on hat with the flower on it. It is perfect for Vermont hard winters!

Gabriela said... 28

If I`d won I pick Scrunch Hard Hair Band.


Gabriela said... 29

I follow your blog.


Gabriela said... 30

I follow them on Twitter. My username is ConBdeBelleza.


Gabriela said... 31

I tweeted:


Aileen said... 32

I like the pull on hat with a flower


Aileen said... 33

Follow using google reader


Jennifer T. said... 34

I like the Rainbow Wide Pre Tied Headband!

Gabriela said... 35
This comment has been removed by the author.
mim said... 36

i'd get th Pull on Hat with Flower in black

Borostyán said... 37

I like the Black Diamond Headband:


kk said... 38

Rhinestone Wavy Headband. Thanks!

Anne said... 39

I like the Pull on Hat with Flower, in gray.

Anne said... 40

I am following on networked blogs (Anne Jolly)

Anne said... 41

I am following them on google friend connect.

Anne said... 42

I am following them on twitter, lunaj1456

Anne said... 43

I follow your blog.

Diana said... 44

If i won, i'd pick the black studded headband.

Diana said... 45

I joined their google friend connect.

Diana said... 46

Following them on twitter (dzhu19)

Diana said... 47


♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said... 48

I would choose the Comb Hard Headband

livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said... 49

I follow them on networked blogs

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said... 50

I follow them on twitter


♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said... 51

I tweeted!

Julie said... 52

I like the pull on hat with flower in brown

Julie said... 53

I follow Hair Coverings Blog as jelaws5